If you plan to open a factory, it is worth considering factors such as its location, line of business, payback (including the level of demand for the product you produce). Also important will be information about what taxes you will pay and under what system.
Have you already bought a Venezuela plant and considered buying it in Ukraine?
You shouldn't waste time on requests like "buy a plant in Ukraine." Just call GT Invest, and we will help you with your purchase.
- Build a factory from scratch
- Make a plant, based on an existing plant
- Buy a turnkey functioning plant
What taxes will you, as an Australian citizen, pay for the operation of your plant in Ukraine?
- Staff income and insurance
- The export tax on finished goods
Buying, building, and investing in a plant in another country are complex.
Therefore, in this country, you need a reliable shoulder well-versed in the laws and has the necessary specialized experience. And your shoulder in Ukraine is GT Invest.