“All-Ukrainian Construction Summit” and Construction Trends of 2022

by Anna Gayduk
Wednesday, November 17, 2021
“All-Ukrainian Construction Summit” and Construction Trends of 2022

The 6th “All-Ukrainian Construction Summit” was organized by the international educational and consulting company “Business-Constructor” and held in Kyiv

Leading experts in the construction industry shared a concentrate of practical knowledge about business management and upcoming trends in the construction sector in Ukraine. The speakers shared the most impressive cases from their practice, listed upcoming trends and pointed common mistakes made by entrepreneurs.

Kyrylo Kunitskiy, the founder of the international company Business-Constructor and the author of a comprehensive methodology for systematizing business, noted that it is extremely important for developers to pay great attention to building system departments of Internet marketing and sales since with an equal level of product quality, the winner will be the one with the most developed function of attracting new customers.

The pandemic also keeps making its own adjustments, and over the past 2 years, consumer behavior has changed in the construction industry. As the speakers noted, work for many Ukrainians ceased to occupy the first place people do their best to pay more attention to family and home. Therefore, the focus shifted to the arrangement of their own apartment, house, and garden. The trend for home improvement is likely to continue not only in 2022 but for many years.

Other characteristic features which will remain in the coming year are an increase in prices for building materials, an increase in the cost of apartments in new buildings, a lack of labor, as well as an increased demand for renting apartments.

In general, in 2022 in the construction business, top 5 following eco-trends can be distinguished:

  • Pile foundations
  • Walls made of natural materials
  • Environmentally friendly cladding
  • Exterior wooden floor
  • Roof with solar panels

Global trends urbanization, sustainability, and the polycentric model of the city (“work where you live and live where you work”) — persist.

It is also worth remembering that the All-Ukrainian Construction Summit from the international educational and consulting company Business-Constructor was held in Kyiv for the 6th time, and became the largest summit of the industry once again.

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