Antony Blinken About Ukraine 

by Meifan Honcharuk
Wednesday, June 15, 2023
Antony Blinken About Ukraine 

"Ukraine has done what it promised"

In light of the upcoming NATO summit, on which the 31 alliance countries + Ukraine have high hopes, every word carries special weight. US ыecretary of ыtate Antony Blinken, who is sympathetic to the idea of Ukraine joining NATO when the situation is most favourable, cheered Ukrainians:

"And the US moved swiftly, decisively, and in unison with allies and partners to do exactly what we said we'd do: support Ukraine, impose costs on Russia, strengthen NATO – all of this with our allies and partners."

Minister Blinken also spoke about the Ukrainian counter-offensive and how Ukraine iusesallied-provided weapons.

"Ukraine has done what it promised: it defends its territory, its independence, its democracy."

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