Armaments for the Armed Forces Are Supplied by Manufacturers from Ten Countries Worldwide

by Roman Cheplyk
Wednesday, August 7, 2024
Armaments for the Armed Forces Are Supplied by Manufacturers from Ten Countries Worldwide

In 2024, Ukrainian manufacturers have made a significant contribution to the armament of the Armed Forces, providing 70% of the value of contracts for weapons supply

This highlights Ukraine's growing domestic defense industry and its capacity to meet military needs during challenging times.

Domestic and International Contributions

Ukrainian Manufacturers Lead

Deputy Minister of Defense Dmytro Klimenkov reported that Ukrainian manufacturers supply 70% of the value of weapons contracts for the Armed Forces. This significant contribution reflects the country's ability to produce and supply critical military equipment locally. However, Klimenkov noted that this share could fluctuate based on production needs and capabilities.

International Cooperation

The Defense Procurement Agency (AOD) plays a crucial role in acquiring weapons and equipment for the Armed Forces. The AOD has actively pursued international cooperation, establishing direct interactions with global arms manufacturers.

  • Contracts Signed: The AOD has concluded over 20 contracts with international arms manufacturers from 10 countries, primarily from Europe and the USA. This diverse range of suppliers ensures that Ukraine has access to cutting-edge technology and military expertise worldwide.

Insights from the Agency Head

Maryna Bezrukova, the head of the AOD, highlighted the Agency's strategic approach to procurement:

Codification and Demand

  • Codification: The Agency only contracts weapons that have been codified by the Ministry of Defense. This ensures that all procured equipment meets the required standards and specifications.

  • Demand-Driven Procurement: Bezrukova advises manufacturers to provide their products to the military and gather feedback. Equipment that is in high demand on the battlefield is codified and added to the procurement list more quickly.

Efficient Delivery

  • Delivery Timeframes: The delivery of equipment to combat units depends on supply and logistics conditions. For instance, the procurement of DJI Mavic UAVs reaches the front lines quickly, while the production of new equipment may take longer.

  • Efforts to Debureaucratize: Bezrukova emphasized the Agency's commitment to streamlining processes to ensure timely delivery of essential equipment and weapons to the front lines. This approach aims to enhance defense procurement efficiency and bolster Ukraine's defense capabilities.

Ensuring Quality and Accountability

The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine is taking steps to ensure the quality and reliability of defense goods and services:

Unscrupulous Supplier List

  • Development of an Order: The Ministry has developed an order for creating and maintaining a list of unscrupulous foreign suppliers of defense goods, works, and services. This measure is designed to protect Ukraine's defense interests and ensure that only reputable and reliable suppliers are engaged.


Ukraine's defense strategy combines domestic production and international cooperation to meet the Armed Forces' needs effectively. With a strong focus on codification, demand-driven procurement, and efficient delivery, the Defense Procurement Agency ensures that Ukraine's military remains well-equipped and prepared. The emphasis on accountability and quality control further strengthens Ukraine's defense capabilities in collaboration with manufacturers from around the world.

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