Austrian Humanitarian Donation for War-Affected Ukrainians

by Meifan Honcharuk
Tuesday, June 20, 2023
Austrian Humanitarian Donation for War-Affected Ukrainians

The state has allocated €18 mln from the foreign Ministry's Foreign Disaster Fund

The Austrian foreign Ministry's Foreign Disaster Fund provides €18 million to help Ukrainians in Ukraine and Moldova. The choice fell on Moldova not by chance, since this country bordering Ukraine has the largest number of Ukrainians compared to the number of Moldovans.

The funds will be distributed between the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (€6 million), the International Committee of the Red Cross (€6 million), UNICEF (€4 million) and the United Nations Population Fund (€2 million). Thus, the total assistance of Austria to Ukraine exceeds €150 million. In addition, tomorrow, Austria's minister of foreign affairs will participate in Ukraine Recovery.

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