Britain and Latvia Announce First Tender for FPV Drones to Ukraine

by Roman Cheplyk
Tuesday, June 4, 2024
Britain and Latvia Announce First Tender for FPV Drones to Ukraine

The United Kingdom and Latvia have announced the opening of a tender for the supply of FPV (First Person View) drones to Ukraine, under the framework of the Drone Coalition

This was confirmed by the British Ministry of Defense.

Tender Details:

  • Eligibility: The tender is open to manufacturers from any country that is part of the Contact Group on Defense of Ukraine.
  • Objectives: The selection process aims to find suppliers capable of producing drones on a large scale and at an affordable price using Western industry capabilities.
  • Duration: The first tender will run until June 28, after which representatives from the Drone Coalition, led by the UK and Latvia, will select the companies to receive orders for drone supply.
  • Future Tenders: Throughout 2024, new tenders will be announced based on the experience gained from the initial tender.

Participating Countries:

  • In addition to the UK and Latvia, the Drone Coalition includes Australia, Canada, Denmark, Estonia, Germany, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Poland, and Sweden.


  • Formation of the Coalition: The Drone and Electronic Warfare (EW) Coalition was initiated by Ukraine and Latvia. Other countries later joined the initiative.
  • Official Launch: On February 17, the Minister of Defense of Ukraine, Rustem Umyerov, announced the official launch of the Drone Coalition within the framework of the Contact Group on Defense of Ukraine.

This collaborative effort aims to enhance Ukraine's defense capabilities by leveraging the expertise and resources of Western drone manufacturers.

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