Cancellation of Fertilizer and Rye Export Quotas in Ukraine

by Olha Povaliaieva
Wednesday, July 27, 2022
Cancellation of Fertilizer and Rye Export Quotas in Ukraine

On July 27, the cabinet of ministers of Ukraine cancelled the actual ban on the export of these groups of goods until the end of 2022

Today, Ukraine does not have an independent body that regulates the allocation of quotas for certain groups of goods. Instead, Ukraine uses 2 principles: first come — first served, and the principle of licensing. At the same time, the cabinet of ministers deals with the regulation of foreign economic activity.

On July 27, the CM cancelled quotas for the export of domestic fertilisers and rye. At the same time, the goods are included in the list of goods required for licensing. A representative of the CM, Taras Melnychuk, announced this today.

Which fertilisers can now be sold abroad without restrictions: chemical and mineral nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus fertilisers, mineral or chemical fertilisers containing 2-3 nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium). The goods of this group have a gross weight of up to 10 kg.

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