European Commission Delegation Visits Ukraine for EU Accession Coordination

by Roman Cheplyk
Thursday, June 6, 2024
European Commission Delegation Visits Ukraine for EU Accession Coordination

A delegation from the European Commission visited Ukraine to coordinate and prepare for the next stage of bilateral meetings focused on aligning Ukrainian legislation with EU standards

This visit included consultations led by Deputy Prime Minister for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration, Olga Stefanishyna.

Key Points of the Visit:

  1. Consultations on Legislation Screening:

    • Methods and Approaches: The first day of consultations focused on discussing the methodologies and approaches for the upcoming stage of evaluating Ukrainian legislation for compliance with EU laws.
    • Detailed Discussions: Each negotiation section was discussed in detail, providing clarity on expectations and processes.
  2. Leadership and Representation:

    • European Delegation: The delegation was headed by Marko Jorna, a representative of the European Commission's General Directorate for Neighborhood and Enlargement Negotiations (DG NEAR), who chaired the screening meetings.
  3. Progress and Experience:

    • Completion of the First Stage: Deputy Prime Minister Stefanishyna congratulated the teams on completing the first stage, which included more than 30 explanatory sessions as part of the official screening process.
    • Gaining Expertise: The Ukrainian delegations gained valuable experience and knowledge necessary for their continued progress towards full EU membership.
  4. Preparation for the Next Stage:

    • Future Negotiations: The meetings aimed to prepare thoroughly for the next stage of negotiations, ensuring that Ukraine is well-equipped to meet the requirements for EU accession.

This visit marks a significant step in Ukraine's journey towards EU membership, highlighting the ongoing efforts to align national legislation with European standards and the strong collaboration between Ukrainian authorities and the European Commission.

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