“Firefly Aerospace” Is One Step Closer to Landing on the Moon

by Anastasiia Lieberman
Tuesday, October 26, 2021
“Firefly Aerospace” Is One Step Closer to Landing on the Moon

Ukrainian businessman Max Poliakov's "Firefly Aerospace" has passed the Critical Design Review CDR of NASA's "Blue Ghost" lander

Passing this stage allows the construction of the Blue Ghost module to begin, which is to land in the Mare Crisium lunar pool in September 2023.

The Blue Ghost launch should be just the first of many to come. Firefly invest.com/investing-in-ukraine/business-opportunities/aerospace/" rel="dofollow">Aerospace's Blue Ghost lander is slated to land in the Mare Crisium lunar pool in September 2023 with ten NASA payloads. This mission should be the first of the annual Firefly missions to the lunar surface, and the passage of a critical stage is another step towards the implementation of the company's plans.

“This milestone marks another step in an aggressive schedule, and its implementation continues to demonstrate the ability of our spacecraft development team to consistently deliver challenging work. This mission is the first in a series of repetitive cislunar space maintenance and payload delivery missions that will kick-start the lunar economy, and we are honored to demonstrate our ability to deliver these services to NASA and our commercial customers,” said Firefly CEO Tom Markusic.

The lunar module is due to land in the Sea of ​​Crises in September 2023

In November 2018, the NASA space agency published a list of 9 American companies with which it will cooperate on sending descent vehicles for lunar exploration. Firefly Aerospace was also among the selected companies.

Already in early 2021, NASA announced a partnership with Firefly Aerospace and signed a $93 million contract to deliver cargo to the Moon. The company must participate in the delivery of these goods to Mare Crisium (Sea of ​​Crisis - the formation of the lunar relief on the visible side of the Moon). The equipment will be used to study the conditions on the lunar surface as well as the resources available.

The cargo with a total weight of 94 kg will include experimental equipment, including a set of reflectors for accurate measurements of the distance to the Moon, electronics resistant to solar radiation, devices for analyzing the regolith and structure of the Moon's mantle, etc.

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