Hydrogen Strategy of Ukraine

by Evgeny Lazorenko
Tuesday, November 16, 2021
Hydrogen Strategy of Ukraine

International experts and co-authors of the EU hydrogen strategy discussed the specifics of the future Hydrogen strategy of Ukraine and recommendations for its writing

International experts, specialists for the development of the hydrogen economy of Ukraine, Europe senior advisor Christian Weinberger were taking part in the discussion.

The hydrogen strategy of Ukraine was developed jointly with specialists from the Ministry of energy and the coal industry of Ukraine and USAID experts.

“At the stage of strategy formation, it is essential for us to share the experience with our international partners, who have had successful practice both in writing hydrogen strategies and in implementing individual hydrogen projects. Ukraine's hydrogen strategy will be a dynamic document that will change and adapt to external conditions, will include innovative developments and the results of new research on hydrogen. We plan to present the basic version of the document at the end of this year," said Yulia Pidkomorna, deputy minister of energy of Ukraine.

The deputy minister invited Christian Weinberger to join the working group’s work on developing the Hydrogen strategy of Ukraine, which works under the Ministry of energy and the coal industry of Ukraine.


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