Lithuania Launches Military Training of Ukrainians

by Olha Povaliaieva
Tuesday, April 12, 2022
Lithuania Launches Military Training of Ukrainians

In Lithuania, the exercises are resumed, where Ukrainians learn to work with the new equipment provided by Europe for the Armed Forces of Ukraine

The readiness of Lithuania to take part in the victory of Ukraine over Russia was declared by the commander of the Lithuanian Army, general Valdemaras Rupšys.

"In order to achieve the maximum result in the near future, we will organize military exercises for the Ukrainian military here in Lithuania... We are ready to train their instructors to prepare them to work with the equipment that we ourselves manage, with the military equipment, equipment or weapons that we have, this is the knowledge necessary to manage operations in Ukraine," Valdemaras Rupšys.

And to raise the mood: the newscaster of the propaganda Russian First Channel admitted refugees from Ukrainian Mariupol into his apartment. But no, it's not a heart-warming human decision like Benedict Cumberbatch and the Belgian Royal Family. An elegant decision instead of Artyom Sheinin was made by Latvia and the mayor's office of the city of Palanga, in which the apartments of the scandalous presenter are located. The Lithuanian government confiscated the apartment and placed a family with 6 children of different ages there. 

"Mr. Scheinin cannot use his residence due to sanctions. Moreover, his public pronouncements in recent years show that he is not, in principle, interested in living in the EU. Therefore, the dwelling was considered abandoned and is now used by the municipality," mayor of Palanga Sharunas Vaitkus.

Glory to Ukraine and Lithuania!

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