Maia Sandu Congratulated Ukraine on Independence Day

by Meifan Honcharuk
Friday, August 25, 2023
Maia Sandu Congratulated Ukraine on Independence Day

The president of Moldova and the children's choir performed the national Ukrainian song "Oh, the red viburnum in the meadow"

The head of Moldova appeared in a video with a song written almost 110 years ago by Stepan Charnetskyi The red viburnum in the meadow. Since the beginning of the war, the song became a symbol of the Ukrainian struggle for freedom. Maia Sandu congratulates after a song performed by the children's choir Vivace from the School of art named after Alexei Stârcea. Anton Dumbrava conducted the song to congratulate Ukraine on its Independence.

The politician expressed her gratitude to Ukraine for its resilience and courage in the war. According to Maia Sandu, the Ukrainian army and people defend not only their home but the whole world. Mrs Sandu wished an independent Ukraine that peace would return to its territory.

"Today, Ukraine celebrates Independence Day with dignity. Independence is when citizens can decide their own future when they have the freedom to build their country as they see it. Ukrainians, with their boundless courage and determination, remind us every day of this truth," Maia Sandu.

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