Not “If” But “When”

by Meifan Honcharuk
Wednesday, June 28, 2023
Not “If” But “When”

The EU and the UK are preparing scenarios for the collapse of Russia

The degradation of the Russian state became the reason for its attack on Ukraine. And it will also become the reason why Russia will fall apart.

Permanent representative of Ukraine to the EU, Vsevolod Chentsov, said that discussions have been underway in the European Union for some time regarding actions in case Russia falls apart. Ukraine also takes part in these negotiations. Chentsov shared that all this time, the EU has been closely following the chain of degradation events inside, a vivid manifestation of which was Prigozhin's several-hour rebellion.

According to Chentsov, the UK is also preparing for the likely collapse of Putin's rotten federation.

"In the EU, for a long time now, the discussion has been going on to develop scenarios for the actions of the EU and member states in the event, among other things, of the collapse of Russia. And, of course, this war if it taught the European Union something – of course, it rallied, and mobilized the EU, but also taught to act proactively, consider various options for the development of events and not rely on a rational approach, on the mind of Russian leaders," Vsevolod Chentsov.

We, Ukrainians, know that the collapse of Russia is not "if" and "possible" but "soon."

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