Over 57 Million Tons of Goods Exported Through Ukrainian Maritime Corridor

by Roman Cheplyk
Tuesday, July 16, 2024
Over 57 Million Tons of Goods Exported Through Ukrainian Maritime Corridor

As of July 15, 2024, Ukrainian ports have successfully exported 57.55 million tons of cargo through the maritime corridor from Odesa, Pivdenny, and Chornomorsk

This milestone highlights the efficiency and reliability of Ukraine's export infrastructure despite ongoing challenges.

Key Highlights

  • Total Cargo Exported: 57.55 million tons
  • Duration: Nearly one year of corridor operation
  • Number of Ships: 2,059 ships
  • Countries Reached: Goods exported to 46 countries
  • Agricultural Products: 39 million tons of the total exports were products of Ukrainian farmers

Statements from Officials Yuriy Lytvyn, head of the Administration of Sea Ports of Ukraine (AMPU), commented on the achievement: "For almost a year of operation of the Ukrainian corridor, 57.55 million tons of cargo were transshipped. Thanks to the United Defense Forces, business, and international partners, a stable and predictable export volume has been ensured, container transportation and ferry service have been restored."

Current Status of Ferry Services Despite the optimistic report, it should be noted that open sources indicate the ferry service has not yet been fully restored. The Kaunas vessel, intended to operate between Chornomorsk and Georgian ports, is currently docked in Varna, Bulgaria.

Conclusion The export of over 57 million tons of goods through the Ukrainian maritime corridor marks a significant achievement for the nation's export capabilities. This success is attributed to the concerted efforts of the United Defense Forces, businesses, and international partners. While there are some ongoing challenges, such as the complete restoration of ferry services, the overall performance of Ukraine's maritime export corridor remains robust and promising.

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