Owning a Private Runway or Airport in Ukraine

by Roman Cheplyk
Monday, March 20, 2023
Owning a Private Runway or Airport in Ukraine

If you’re looking to own a private runway or airport in Ukraine, there are several legal and regulatory requirements to consider

This comprehensive guide will walk you through the process of acquiring and operating a private airport in Ukraine.

Legal Requirements

To own a private runway or airport in Ukraine, you need to comply with various legal and regulatory requirements. Here are the main requirements to consider:

Land Ownership

You need to own or lease the land where you plan to build the runway or airport. If you're leasing the land, you need to have a long-term lease agreement in place.

Building Permits

Before constructing the runway or airport, you need to obtain the necessary building permits from the local authorities. The permits require compliance with building codes and regulations.

Aviation Regulations

Ukraine has aviation regulations that govern the operation of private airports. You need to comply with these regulations, which cover areas such as airport design, runway maintenance, and safety measures.

Air Traffic Control

If your private airport is operational, you need to have air traffic control in place. You can either have your own air traffic control system or contract with a third-party provider.

Operating Costs

Owning and operating a private runway or airport in Ukraine requires significant investment. Here are the main operating costs to consider:


You need to maintain the runway and airport infrastructure, including regular inspections, repairs, and upgrades.


If you have your own air traffic control system, you need to hire and train staff to operate it. You also need to hire ground crew and security personnel.


You need to pay for utilities such as electricity, water, and heating. If you have a fueling station, you also need to pay for fuel and storage costs.

Funding Opportunities

Acquiring and operating a private runway or airport in Ukraine requires significant investment, and there are several funding opportunities available. The Ukrainian government offers financial support for infrastructure projects, including private airports. You can also explore private funding options, such as bank loans or investment from private equity firms.


Owning a private runway or airport in Ukraine can be a profitable investment, but it requires compliance with legal and regulatory requirements and significant operating costs. By understanding the legal requirements, operating costs, and funding opportunities, you can successfully acquire and operate a private airport in Ukraine.


  1. Can foreigners own private airports in Ukraine?
  • Yes, foreigners can own private airports in Ukraine, but they need to comply with the legal and regulatory requirements.
  1. How much does it cost to build a private airport in Ukraine?
  • The cost of building a private airport in Ukraine depends on various factors such as the size, location, and infrastructure. It can range from hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars.
  1. What funding opportunities are available for private airports in Ukraine?
  • The Ukrainian government offers financial support for infrastructure projects, including private airports. Private funding options such as bank loans or investment from private equity firms are also available.
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