Papal Missionary Didn’t Discuss Peace With Kremlin

by Meifan Honcharuk
Monday, July 3, 2023
Papal Missionary Didn’t Discuss Peace With Kremlin

Emissary Francis spoke with the Kremlin patriarch about humanitarian issues and did not plan to ask to stop killing Ukrainians

On April 30, pope Francis organised an unofficial peacekeeping mission Vatica-Ukraine-Russia. The envoy for Ukraine was cardinal Matteo Zappi, who arrived in Ukraine on June 6. For similar negotiations, the head of the department of the Eastern churches of the Vatican, archbishop Claudi, was meant to go to Moscow. However, instead of him, Zuppi met with the Russian patriarch Kirill. It became known that the parties did not discuss the restoration of peace only humanitarian issues.

Zuppi added that his goals "have no peace plan or mediation" but "a great desire to end the violence and save human life, starting with protecting the smallest." After Zuppi read a moral to Ukraine about love and peace and talked with the terrorist Kirill about food, the cardinal will go to the pope to summarise his negotiations.

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