Radical Measures to Combat Drunk Driving in Latvia

by Roman Cheplyk
Friday, February 17, 2023
Radical Measures to Combat Drunk Driving in Latvia

The state can hand over to the Ukrainian army cars confiscated for drunken driving 

The minister of defence of Latvia, Raimonds Vejonis, announced the adoption of amendments to the law on support of the civilian population of Ukraine. One of the innovations was the possibility of combining the fight against irresponsible cars and the help of the Ukrainian army: the state may introduce the confiscation of cars from drivers whose blood alcohol level exceeds 0.3 ppm. Then the cars will be transferred to serve on the combat zone in Ukraine.

"We can sell vehicles confiscated from drunk drivers by selling them, handing them over for recycling or disassembling them for spare parts, but we see that under the current conditions, they would be a useful support for the people of Ukraine," Raymond Veyonis.

The parliament of Latvia will make the decision. In the case of a positive answer, the logistics of the cars will be handled by the same organisation that receives Ukraine's requests for military aid and coordinates them with aid packages from other EU states.

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