Special Status of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine

by Olha Povaliaieva
Wednesday, November 10, 2021
Special Status of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine

A law came into force, the purpose of which is to eliminate the contradiction between the Constitution of Ukraine and the Law of Ukraine "On NABU" and to ensure the guarantee of independence for NABU

The newly adopted law gives NABU a special status and functions as a central executive body.

The procedure for the appointment of the NABU head and the legal removal from this position is also spelled out in the law. These powers are given to the Cabinet of ministers (government apparatus). However, NABU is not subject to the general requirements of the Cabinet of ministers regarding the formation of the structure of the central body of executive power.

The law stipulates: "The composition of the competition commission for the position of director of NABU includes six people, three of whom are determined by the government, and the remaining three persons — the government based on proposals from international and foreign organizations, which, according to international or interstate agreements, during the last three years before the end of the term of office of the director of NABU or until the day of early termination of his powers, provided Ukraine with international technical assistance in the field of preventing and combating corruption."

Every year an audit of the legality and quality of NABU's work is carried out. The law defines the rules for conducting an audit and requirements for the commission to conduct an independent assessment.

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