Tetra Tech Explores New Hydroelectric Power Station Project in Ukraine

by Roman Cheplyk
Thursday, August 15, 2024
Tetra Tech Explores New Hydroelectric Power Station Project in Ukraine

Discussions are underway to enhance Ukraine’s energy infrastructure with the potential construction of a new hydroelectric power station by Tetra Tech, as part of efforts to rebuild and strengthen the country’s energy sector

Tetra Tech, an engineering company, is considering the development of a new hydroelectric power station in Ukraine as part of a broader initiative to restore and enhance the nation’s energy infrastructure amid ongoing challenges. The discussions took place during a visit by Scott Derry, a senior official from the Ministry of Energy of Ukraine, and representatives of Tetra Tech, who met with the servicing department of hydroelectric power stations (HES) to explore potential collaboration.

The press service of Ukrhydroenergo reported that Scott Derry highlighted the critical importance of ensuring an uninterrupted power supply in Ukraine, particularly in the context of the ongoing war. He acknowledged the significant efforts of Ukrainian workers who continue to focus on energy infrastructure renovation under extremely challenging circumstances.

Vadym Medieshy, Director of the Middle Dnieper Hydroelectric Power Plant, emphasized the long-standing collaboration and the shared goal of achieving peace and stability in Ukraine through the successful renewal of energy facilities.

Since the onset of the full-scale war, Ukraine's energy sector has incurred direct and indirect financial losses amounting to $56.5 billion. The estimated cost for the reconstruction of energy facilities, based on modern, more resilient designs, stands at $50.5 billion, according to an assessment by the KSE Institute.

For Ukrhydroenergo, a key priority is the modernization of hydro-generating capacities, which have been heavily impacted by missile strikes and other forms of destruction. Bohdan Sukhetsky, Deputy General Director of Commercial Activities at Ukrhydroenergo, recently stated that the company is actively working on project solutions aimed at improving the security of these facilities by replacing outdated equipment with more advanced, protected, and autonomous systems.

In line with these efforts, Ukraine's government has approved the National Action Plan for Green Energy until 2030. The plan aims to increase the share of green energy in the country's gross output to 27% by 2030, underscoring the commitment to a more sustainable and resilient energy future.

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