The Chernobyl nuclear power plant was licensed to operate the nuclear installation

by Olha Povaliaieva
Friday, September 24, 2021
The Chernobyl nuclear power plant was licensed to operate the nuclear installation

"Spent nuclear fuel storage" installation costs €448,2 million

According to the press service of the president of Ukraine, On April 26 CEO Chernobyl NPP Valery Seida was licensed from the hands of the head of the State Nuclear regulatory inspection Hryhory Piaskov.

At a solemn ceremony held on the territory of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and in the presence of the president, Volodymyr Zelenskyy emphasized that "Ukraine is doing everything possible to strengthen reliability and safety, and to avoid future catastrophes like the Chernobyl disaster."

"We are very glad that Ukraine is not alone in this way and has wide support of international partners. Today is a bright example of such support and of the effectiveness of our joint action. Another investing-in-ukraine/service-for-investors/warehouses/" rel="dofollow">storage facility for spent nuclear fuel has been put into operation today. It is very important that today we have got a license to operate the storage another, modern, more technological, safer, and, importantly, with a life of up to 100 years,” commented Zelenskyy.

The project to build a nuclear storage facility and obtain a license lasted almost 10 years. Funding was provided by the International bank of nuclear safety and the European bank of reconstruction and development, of which Ukraine is a donor. The president of Ukraine thanked everyone who contributed to this project.

"This is a new step for safety in the Chernobyl zone, security in Ukraine, security in Europe and the world at large. The step what we are doing today with endless gratitude to all the Chernobyl disaster relief workers, and with an endless faith and willingness to work for a safe, sustainable future for our children, for our future generations."

Storage-2 will store about 22,000 spent fuel assemblies from Storage-1. It will take about 10 years to move the nuclear assemblies. During the active phase of the final testing of the storage facility, which ended in December 2020, 186 nuclear assemblies have been transported.

"Over the next few years, this direction of the safe movement of nuclear fuel will be the priority of our activity," said Chernobyl NPP CEO Valery Seida.

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