The Government is Proposing to Strengthen the Protection of Workers Working In Hazardous Conditions

Friday, August 20, 2021
The Government is Proposing to Strengthen the Protection of Workers Working In Hazardous Conditions

On August 18, the government supported the bill aimed at improving the procedure for determining the minimum wage for heavy and dangerous work

the-government-is-proposing-to-strengthen-the-protection-of-workers-working-in-hazardous-conditionsThe document proposes to regulate the issue of determining at the level of agreements and collective agreements a list of heavy and dangerous work that involve higher wages. In addition, it is proposed to clearly define the components of wages that are not taken into account when setting its minimum size.

“Protection of workers' rights is one of the priorities for the ministry of economy. Unfortunately, today some unscrupulous employers take advantage of legal loopholes and artificially underestimate wages or increase labor rates without a corresponding increase in wages. The proposed legislative changes allow fixing the minimum amount of the fee, and all surcharges for adverse conditions will be charged additionally. This will promote transparency in the setting of wages associated with adverse working conditions and increase the real income of such workers. This is especially true for people who work on the minimum wage," said deputy minister of economy of Ukraine Svitlana Hlushchenko.

The bill details the list of components that are not taken into account to ensure the size of the minimum wage:

  • amounts by which wages are increased in accordance with article 100 of the labor code regardless of the method of establishing such an increase (surcharge, allowance, salary increase, etc.);
  • surcharges for combining positions, performing the duties of a temporarily absent employee,
  • the amount of wage indexation;
  • the amount of compensation for the loss of part of income due to violation of the terms of payment of wages.

The draft law also proposes to expand the list of types of work for which an employee can receive increased pay, in particular:

  • supplement them with work with a high level of neuro-emotional and intellectual load, as well as in conditions of increased health risk;
  • establish a clear criterion (certification of jobs under working conditions, unless otherwise provided by law) to ensure the mandatory establishment of higher wages.
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