The War in Ukraine Is Not Fashion. It Is Genocide

by Olha Povaliaieva
Monday, June 20, 2022
The War in Ukraine Is Not Fashion. It Is Genocide

"The New York Times" determined that most of the Russian ammunition was unmanned

Journalists in The New York Times conducted a large-scale survey. Before making conclusions, they collected more than a thousand photos of broken missiles. All photo support is collected after the Russian shooting by different types of weapons. It should be noted that American journalists used photos that were taken by themselves and that we're officially published by the Ukrainian authorities to prove Russian war crimes.

The magazine was able to identify more than 2000 pieces of ammunition. Of the 1000 pictures with crimes, 450 will be proved in an international court concerning the case on the use of unguided weapons. 210 out of 450 ammunition strictly prohibited by international conventions. They include cassette and phosphorus ammunition, which the Russian army uses almost in all directions of war.

American journalists also noted that the Russians have even worse intentions. In The New York Times, Russians use uncontrolled ammunition against civilians. It is very similar to the genocide of the Ukrainian people.

Journalists also noted that evidence of the conduct of hostilities was not collected in all territories due to the occupation. The New York Times considers that the Russian army under Putin's command could use even more uncontrolled shells in Ukraine. Recall that the British ministry of defense in march considered that the Russian Federation would use uncontrolled weapons to increase the number of civilian casualties.

On the cover of the article, you see a rocket that the Russians dropped on the train station in Kramatorsk when 4.000 Ukrainians were evacuated from the city. On the rocket is written "For the children." Imagine the cynicism of this situation because 16 children died from this rocket, and almost 22 children were left disabled.

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