Ukraine Took 48th Place in the “Social Progress Index”

by Evgeny Lazorenko
Wednesday, February 2, 2022
Ukraine Took 48th Place in the “Social Progress Index”

In the global ranking of the index of social progress, Ukraine rose by 15 positions

“The fact that Ukraine is consistently improving its position in this global ranking means that we have responded correctly to most of the new challenges and been able to ensure the sustainability of the social sphere in these conditions," said the minister of social policy of Ukraine Marina Lazebna.

This was facilitated by effective policies in various social spheres. Work was carried out on employment of vulnerable groups, improving access to secondary education and online learning anywhere in Ukraine. Providing quality technologies for communication, the internet, and access to public services. Ensuring access to quality clean water and sanitary quality conditions, and equal legal opportunities for women and men.

The Social Progress Index is an attempt to show what countries and governments need to strive for in addition to purely economic growth to make people feel comfortable in their country.

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