Ukrainian Parliament Adopts Law on State Agrarian Register

by Roman Cheplyk
Thursday, September 19, 2024
Ukrainian Parliament Adopts Law on State Agrarian Register

The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine has adopted draft law No. 11063-d “On the State Agrarian Register,” marking a significant step towards the digitization of the country’s agricultural sector

The legislation was supported by 267 deputies, as announced by Yaroslav Zheleznyak, a member of parliament from the "Voice" faction.

Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food, Vitaly Koval, highlighted that the new law will facilitate further digital transformation within the agricultural industry—a key requirement from international partners. "The adoption of this law will contribute to the modernization of the Ukrainian agricultural sector, enhancing transparency and efficiency," Koval stated.

The State Agrarian Register (DAR) is set to become a unified electronic platform serving as a communication hub between agricultural producers and governmental authorities. With the new legislation, the platform will expand access to state assistance programs, enabling a broader range of agricultural entities to benefit from government support.

Moreover, the law allows subjects and third parties—such as state bodies and banks—to generate extracts from the DAR with the consent of the registered entities and within agreed-upon parameters. This feature aims to streamline administrative processes and improve data accessibility for stakeholders involved in the agricultural sector.

The draft law also ensures that the functioning of the DAR aligns with the requirements of the Law of Ukraine "On Public Electronic Registers." This alignment is expected to enhance the legal framework governing electronic registries, promoting better governance and compliance with national standards.

By adopting this legislation, Ukraine continues to demonstrate its commitment to modernizing its agricultural infrastructure and meeting the expectations of both domestic stakeholders and international partners.

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