UNDP and Germany to Invest in Infrastructure Projects in Ukraine

by Meifan Honcharuk
Sunday, August 28, 2023
UNDP and Germany to Invest in Infrastructure Projects in Ukraine

€11.45 mln for the implementation of 12 projects will be provided from the budget of the state, the “ReACT4UA” initiative and communities

On August 16, the German Ministry of economy announced the financing of infrastructure restoration projects in Ukrainian cities devastated by the war. The parties accumulated a total budget of €11.45 million, part of which was provided within the framework of the Support for the rapid economic recovery of Ukraine municipalities and ReACT4UA projects, and part — through the joint efforts of the communities.

As of today, the amount of damage caused to Ukraine by Russia is $150.5 billion, of which $55.9 is damage to the housing stock of Ukraine. Thus, 2 projects to be financed by Germany are aimed at restoring the provision of water/gas/electricity to Ukrainian settlements. The remaining 10 are for the restoration of temporary resettlement of internally displaced persons and business premises (offices, co-working spaces) to provide Ukrainians with the opportunity to work and earn for living.

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