Warehousing Ukraine

by Olha Povaliaieva
Thursday, October 21, 2021
Warehousing Ukraine

As logistics is an important part of industrial production in any country its development must be the target of the industrial policy of the state

Logistic services in Ukraine are provided by both local and international companies. It should be noted that to ensure quality storage facilities located within industrial parks, which has own yard with loading cranes.

Purchasing warehouses in industrial areas is cheaper than leasing outside them. The price of warehousing depends on its type (open or closed) and location (in the city, near the highway, etc).

Types of warehousing according to the storage conditions. They are dry (without humidity), cool-store (at a temperature below 10 degrees), and frozen (at temperatures below -18 °C)). The first type of warehouse is suitable for storing food products, especially grain, sugar, and cereals. Warehouses should be kept out of sunlight, also must be protected from dust and moisture. This includes that warehouses must be equipped with ventilation systems designed to ensure air circulation within the facility. Shelves for storage should be strong enough to support the product weight but still, allow easy removal or replacement of goods.

The cold storage facility should have a separate room with a constant temperature of 0 to 10 degrees. In this case, products can be stored frozen fish, meat, and milk as well as fruits and vegetables. Logistics of storage require the product placement on pallets or shelves that allow easy handling by forklift truck. The more often moves the goods – the lower value warehouse.

Warehouses for long-term storage of raw materials are typically located far from populated areas. Warehouses are designed mainly due to climatic conditions (humidity, temperature) and their location (in the open or closed ).

For example, if warehousing is located near an industrial park with equipment that can be used to handle goods in the warehouse, then the cost of logistics will be lower than warehousing away from the final destination. Warehouse storage conditions also depend on how much time it takes to deliver the product from the manufacturer to consumers.

In this case, there are two types of facilities: places where products are stored by distributors and manufacturers’ warehouses. In general, new warehouses are built primarily for large producers that have a developed distribution network while existing warehouses are used to store products for companies that do not have their distribution network.

Warehouses may be located in convenient (close to the highway) or remote (with good transportation). Warehouses for storage of goods from different manufacturers should be equipped so as not to harm the goods they receive before delivery and, secondly, they must provide conditions which allow you to quickly and easily handle them after receipt and before delivery. 

Warehouses are a profitable investment for a businessman. The warehouse can be bought or rented specifically for your business. Or you can use warehouses as a ready-made business and provide a service for storing and delivering goods across Ukraine and the world.
Contact GT Invest and we will help you invest in a similar business in Ukraine.

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