What Opportunities Exist for Investors to Participate in Alternative Energy Projects in Ukraine?

by Roman Cheplyk
Friday, May 5, 2023
What Opportunities Exist for Investors to Participate in Alternative Energy Projects in Ukraine?

Alternative energy has become a popular topic around the world in recent years

Many countries have invested in renewable energy sources, including wind, solar, and hydroelectric power. Ukraine has also recognized the importance of alternative energy and is actively encouraging investment in this sector. This article will explore the opportunities that exist for investors to participate in alternative energy projects in Ukraine.

What is alternative energy?

Alternative energy refers to any energy source that is not derived from fossil fuels. It includes solar, wind, hydroelectric, geothermal, and biomass energy.

Renewable energy potential in Ukraine

Ukraine has significant potential for renewable energy, with abundant solar, wind, and biomass resources. The country has an estimated 39 GW of wind power potential and 12 GW of solar power potential. Biomass potential is estimated to be around 150 million tonnes per year.

Legal framework for renewable energy projects

In 2019, Ukraine adopted a new law on the promotion of renewable energy. The law provides for a feed-in tariff system that guarantees a fixed price for electricity produced from renewable sources. It also guarantees that renewable energy producers will have priority access to the grid.

Investment opportunities in alternative energy

There are several investment opportunities in alternative energy in Ukraine, including:

Solar power

Solar power is one of the most promising renewable energy sources in Ukraine. The country has plenty of sunshine, and the government is actively encouraging investment in this sector. There are many opportunities for investors to participate in solar power projects, including building new solar power plants and investing in existing ones.

Wind power

Ukraine has significant wind power potential, with many suitable locations for wind farms. The government has set a target of generating 25% of the country's energy from renewable sources by 2035, and wind power is expected to play a significant role in achieving this target.

Biomass energy

Biomass energy is another promising sector for investors in Ukraine. The country has vast agricultural resources, and there is significant potential for producing energy from agricultural waste. Many biogas plants are already operating in Ukraine, and there are opportunities for investors to build new ones.

Challenges to investing in alternative energy projects in Ukraine

Despite the significant potential for alternative energy in Ukraine, there are several challenges that investors may face. These include:

Regulatory uncertainty

The regulatory environment for renewable energy in Ukraine can be complex and uncertain. Changes to regulations and government policies can impact the profitability of renewable energy projects.

Financing challenges

Financing can be a challenge for investors in alternative energy projects in Ukraine. The country's banking sector is still developing, and access to financing can be limited.

Infrastructure challenges

The infrastructure for alternative energy projects in Ukraine is still developing. There may be challenges with connecting projects to the grid and with ensuring the reliability of the grid.


Ukraine has significant potential for renewable energy, and the government is actively encouraging investment in this sector. Investors have several opportunities to participate in alternative energy projects, including solar, wind, and biomass energy. However, there are also challenges to investing in this sector, including regulatory uncertainty, financing challenges, and infrastructure challenges.

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