Zelensky Signs Law on “White Business Club”: Benefits for Compliant Entrepreneurs

by Roman Cheplyk
Wednesday, July 24, 2024
Zelensky Signs Law on “White Business Club”: Benefits for Compliant Entrepreneurs

On July 24, President Volodymyr Zelensky signed the “white business club” law, introducing new benefits for entrepreneurs who maintain high levels of tax compliance

Key Highlights:

  • Law Overview: The law establishes a List of taxpayers with high voluntary tax compliance. This list includes legal entities, individual entrepreneurs, and Diya.City residents who meet specified criteria regarding tax payments and payroll levels.

  • Eligibility Criteria: Entrepreneurs who pay taxes and salaries above the industry average are eligible for inclusion in the list. These criteria are designed to be simple and transparent.

  • Benefits for Compliant Taxpayers: Entrepreneurs included in the list will enjoy several advantages:

    • Moratorium on Audits: A moratorium on documentary checks.
    • Expedited Checks: Shortened terms for camera and documentary checks for budget compensation purposes, limited to 5 calendar days.
    • Quick Consultations: Individual tax consultations provided within 5 calendar days.
    • Compliance Manager: Assignment of a compliance manager for remote interactions, including video conferences.
    • Tax Information Access: Right to receive tax-related information from supervisory authorities within five days, along with advice on mitigating tax risks.
  • Objective: The law aims to strengthen the alliance between the state and compliant businesses to combat the shadow economy and corruption. It emphasizes the importance of effective cooperation to eliminate shady schemes and corruption.

  • Legislative Journey: The Verkhovna Rada approved the bill on April 24 in the first reading and adopted it in the second reading on June 18.


The "white business club" law signed by President Zelensky provides significant incentives for tax-compliant entrepreneurs in Ukraine. This initiative aims to improve tax administration, support transparent businesses, and contribute to the fight against the shadow economy and corruption.

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