Business registration
Registration services for a business of American origin in Ukraine
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Registration is one of the basic steps towards establishing a business
What it means: registration of a business implies the registration of your enterprise in all relevant government agencies.
Incorrect registration can lead to disastrous consequences: a ban on conducting business, revocation of a license, fines, extra tax audits, and many other unpleasant leverages on the violating company.
If you are interested in long-term business in Ukraine, it is important to find a reliable lawyer or company that will conduct your business from its origins. Your company in Ukraine is GT Invest.
What do we offer
- legal registration of your business in all instances
- selection of CETA
- accounting and legal support of your business at all stages of its development, and not only during registration
- 100% responsibility for all our actions
- access to support from our partner base
Don't risk your business and business reputation. Start your journey with the best — with GT Invest.
If you have a strong idea and want to implement it in Ukraine, let's act together! We know how to start a business and make it profitable!
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