Build an enterprise

How an Australian businessman open his own enterprise in Ukraine
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The Ukrainian market has just begun to develop, so investments in it are riskier than in the stable markets of the United States or EU recipient countries.

However, it is this factor that provides a more incredible payback and lower cost.

Where to start after deciding to launch an enterprise in Ukraine:

  • Find a trusted local company to guide you through the forest of government laws and systems. This is GT Invest. The first point is passed;
  • Pre-registration: drawing up a statute and order for registering a company;
  • Registration of a company and simultaneous opening of a bank account;
  • Search for premises;
  • Hiring an employee;
  • Submission of the first tax report.

In theory, the process seems structured and straightforward. In practice, things are not so simple. And that's why you need GT Invest your protection from the meat grinder of bureaucracy.

We will organize your registration, launch to the final product, development in the country, and further legal and accounting support.

If you have a strong idea and want to implement it in Ukraine, let's act together! We know how to start a business and make it profitable!
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