$165.1 Billion — the Cost of Recovery of Ukraine 

by Olha Povaliaieva
Thursday, July 14, 2022
$165.1 Billion — the Cost of Recovery of Ukraine 

The presidential project based on the "KSE Institute" estimated the damage from Russia's actions and as of July 13 it is $165.1 billion

According to the KSE Institute, as of July 13, the total damage to residential and industrial infrastructure is $95.5 billion. The greatest damage was done to residential space: 38% and 36.6 billion. Today, about 121.000 have been destroyed, which means that 500.000 families have remained homeless.

Of the $31.3 billion damage to infrastructure, $25.4 billion is road damage.

Damage to large and small businesses — $ 8billion. Captured, damaged or destroyed at least 388 enterprises, 18 airports, 779 hospitals, 105.200 civilian vehicles, 1.371 educational institutions, 690 kindergartens, 563 cultural and religious buildings, 23 trading floors.

These data includes only a preliminary amount of restoration, but not modernization in accordance with modern demands and possibilities of technology and ecology.

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