A 15-Year-Old Wounded Girl Carried Out Her Family From Luhansk

by Olha Povaliaieva
Saturday, May 7, 2022
A 15-Year-Old Wounded Girl Carried Out Her Family From Luhansk

A girl got behind the wheel after the Russians shot at the car and wounded adults

On May 6, the head of the Lugansk regional military administration, Serhii Haidai, told about the heroic act of the Ukrainian girl. A girl and four adults tried to escape from Popasna. Popasna and Rubizhne are constantly shelled by Russian militants and suffer from rocket attacks. So people are trying to get away from the fighting with evacuation vehicles and their cars. In one of these cars was a heroine from Popasna.

Civilian vehicles were fired upon by Russian soldiers twice. First, the Russians opened fire on the car and wounded two men. Men were injured by shrapnel. The woman and another man from the car remained intact physically but morally broken. So the girl took the wheel. After a while, the car was hit again, and a child was injured.

Evacuating other people and suffering the pain of the wounds was difficult, but everyone needed help. This became known to official Ukrainian sources after the girl was given first aid in Bahmut, Donetsk region.

A young Ukrainian woman drove a car about 30 km.

"And I had to get behind the wheel and drive everyone to Bahmut. Just needed urgent help not to lose a lot of blood. Mines were lying there in a chessboard order, there was no way to drive, but I somehow drove there. And then there was a dead woman lying and a pillar, I also drove it, and then I turned right — and we were again shot at, and my legs shot. There was almost nothing I could do, the car went quiet, barely started, and we kept driving. But the car then stopped again because the battery had been shot by a bullet. The military brought us," said a 15-year-old girl.

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