Analyzing the Effectiveness and Safety of Delta-9 THC Products: Addressing the Hemp Versus Cannabis Distinction

by Roman Cheplyk
Monday, October 16, 2023
Analyzing the Effectiveness and Safety of Delta-9 THC Products: Addressing the Hemp Versus Cannabis Distinction

Products containing delta–9 tetrahydrocannabinol (∆9 THC) derived from hemp are readily accessible for purchase throughout much of the United States

However, the federal laws governing their sale impose only basic regulations on businesses. These products must not exceed 0.3% ∆9 THC by dry weight, yet there are no constraints on overall dosage, and no mandatory testing requirements are in place. Notably, certain states, including Colorado, explicitly forbid the creation of products through the "chemical modification" of natural hemp components.

Fifty-three ∆9 THC items were procured and sent to the InfiniteCAL laboratory for assessment. The analysis conducted by the laboratory focused on potency, the presence of contaminants, and whether the ∆9 THC detected was naturally occurring or converted from CBD. Furthermore, the study examined the inclusion of age verification, internal testing by the company, and the presence of cautionary labels.

Although 96.2% of the products adhered to the legal limit of ∆9 THC, 66.0% exhibited a dosage variance exceeding 10% from their stated content. Moreover, despite 84.9% of the products furnishing customers with lab reports, 71.1% of these reports failed to inspect the presence of impurities. Alarmingly, 49% of the products transformed CBD into THC to achieve their desired levels, and merely 15.1% conducted age verification during the checkout process.

Despite a few favorable outcomes, the study's results underscore the fact that companies selling hemp-derived ∆9 THC products inaccurately label their items, which contain higher THC levels than permissible in states where adult recreational use is sanctioned. This discrepancy raises grave concerns regarding consumer safety and informed consent when consuming intoxicating substances. If the market for intoxicating hemp products is to persist securely, measures to enhance corporate accountability must be contemplated either by the industry itself or by legislative bodies.

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