Belgium to Transfer 30 F-16 Fighters to Ukraine by 2028

by Roman Cheplyk
Tuesday, May 28, 2024
Belgium to Transfer 30 F-16 Fighters to Ukraine by 2028

Belgium has committed to providing Ukraine with 30 F-16 fighters by 2028, as stated by Belgian Foreign Minister Khaja Lahbib

The first delivery of these fighter jets is expected to occur by the end of this year.

This commitment will be formalized in the agreement on security guarantees to be signed between Ukraine and Belgium today. In addition to the aircraft, the Belgian Ministry of Defense will transfer ammunition from its stocks to equip the F-16s for Ukraine.

Minister Lahbib emphasized that this support is crucial for stopping Russian President Vladimir Putin, who she claims is determined to redraw the borders of European countries. She highlighted that ensuring the security of Belgium necessitates supporting Kyiv.

F-16s for Ukraine

Last year, Ukraine and its allies formed an aviation coalition aimed at providing Ukraine with F-16 fighter jets. The transfer of these aircraft will occur gradually. President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has indicated that Ukraine requires over 100 aircraft to achieve air parity.

Recently, the first group of Ukrainian pilots completed their training in Arizona and are now heading to Europe to continue their studies.

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