Children of Ukraine Are Forced to Leave the Country to Survive

by Olha Povaliaieva
Friday, March 25, 2022
Children of Ukraine Are Forced to Leave the Country to Survive

According to UNICEF, Russia's war has led to the resettlement of more than half of Ukrainian children

1 month of the war in Ukraine resulted in the displacement of 4.3 million children  — more than half of the country's 7.5 million child population.

More than 1.8 million children have moved to neighboring countries as refugees; 2.5 million children became internally displaced persons within Ukraine.

"The war has resulted in one of the fastest mass displacements of children since World War II. This is a grim milestone that could have lasting consequences for the next generations. The safety, well-being of children and access to basic services are under constant horrendous violence," the executive said. UNICEF Director Katherine Russell.

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