Dubilet launches mobile bank in Azerbaijan

Wednesday, July 28, 2021
Dubilet launches mobile bank in Azerbaijan

Dmytro Dubilet, a co-founder of the "Monobank" mobile bank, announced the launch of a mobile bank called "Leobank" in Azerbaijan

Among the project, partners are a former colleague of PrivatBank Olexander Vityaz, as well as Mykola Bezkrovny, with whom the businessman met a few years ago in London.

The official opening of the bank is scheduled for September this year, and "invitations" will be sent during August-September.

Leobank services include:
up to 20% cashback "real money";
free card top-ups and transfers;
no payment for utilities.

"Conditions and tariffs are similar in spirit to Monobank. The main invest.com/investing-in-ukraine/business-opportunities/" rel="dofollow">idea is that everything is very transparent and profitable for the client,” Dubilet told us.

At present, a card with a limit of up to $6,000 can be reserved on the Leobank website. Credit lines can be used for up to 62 days, and personal funds on the card will generate income.

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