European Commission to Provide €4.2 Billion in Aid to Ukraine

by Roman Cheplyk
Monday, July 22, 2024
European Commission to Provide €4.2 Billion in Aid to Ukraine

Under the “Ukraine Facility” program, the European Commission will disburse €4.2 billion to support Ukraine’s macro-financial stability and public administration

Key Highlights:

  • Initial Payment Details: The European Commission has approved a payment of approximately €4.2 billion to aid Ukraine's macro-financial stability and public administration. This is part of the larger "Ukraine Facility" program, which aims to provide up to €50 billion in grants and loans from 2024 to 2027.

  • Reform Indicators Met: Ukraine has satisfactorily met nine reform indicators associated with this first payment. These reforms encompass public finance management, state-owned enterprises, business environment, energy, and demining efforts.

  • Total Funding: Following the EU Council's approval, the total funding allocated to Ukraine under this program since its inception in March will reach €12 billion.

  • Support from European Commission: European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen expressed confidence that the Council of the EU would promptly approve this payment. She highlighted the critical need for continuous support to ensure the functioning of essential services in Ukraine amidst ongoing conflict.


The €4.2 billion disbursement by the European Commission is a crucial step in bolstering Ukraine's financial stability and public sector functioning. This support is part of the broader "Ukraine Facility" program aimed at aiding Ukraine's recovery and integration into the EU.

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