Financial Sector Development Strategy of Ukraine

by Meifan Honcharuk
Monday, September 4, 2023
Financial Sector Development Strategy of Ukraine

The country's new strategy within the framework of the Memorandum on economic and financial policy between Ukraine and the IMF

On August 19, the National Bank of Ukraine, the Ministry of finance, the National commission for securities and the stock market and the Individual deposit guarantee fund adopted an updated Strategy for the development of the state's financial sector. The document sets out the beacons and priorities of Ukraine's financial sector in the short-term and short-term perspectives, taking into account the challenges of the military situation in Ukraine. The implementation of the Memorandum is a condition of cooperation with the IMF and is oriented towards the implementation of European legislation and principles.

"The focus of attention is the acquisition of the internal market regime with the EU in the field of financial services because the unconditional common priority of all participants who joined the implementation of the Strategy is the movement towards Ukraine's accession to the EU," Ministry of economy of Ukraine.

The strategy of the Memorandum is developed until 2025 and includes tools for creating macroeconomic and financial stability.

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