French High-Precision AASM Bombs to Equip Ukrainian F-16s

by Roman Cheplyk
Friday, May 3, 2024
French High-Precision AASM Bombs to Equip Ukrainian F-16s

Thomas Gasilloud, a French deputy and head of the Commission on Defense and Armed Forces, confirmed ongoing efforts to adapt these advanced bombs for integration into F-16 aircraft destined for Ukraine.

While specific details were not disclosed, the Militarny publication indicates the feasibility of this integration, as the AASM bombs are compatible with fasteners used for the U.S.-made Mark 82 aerial bombs. This suggests that the integration process will involve updates to the fire control system of the F-16s, likely requiring involvement from Lockheed Martin Corporation, the aircraft's manufacturer.

The effectiveness of such integrations has been previously demonstrated. In 2014, the United States conducted successful AASM test trials on F-16 fighters, indicating a promising enhancement to Ukraine's aerial warfare capabilities with these sophisticated weapons systems.

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