The friendship between the president of France and Ukraine could cause mistrust. But Ukrainian defence minister Oleksii Reznikov said that for protection from Russia came already 4 installations of multiple fire systems. France transfers its systems. The LRU units are designed for long-range blows, it's the "brothers" of the American M270 MLRS. Modernized French models have high manoeuvrability and a high-precision guidance system. The range of missiles fired from such a system is 80-85 km. According to Reznikov, this weapon will help to contain the enemy even more effectively and bring it closer to the borders of Russia.
In October, Ramstein, Ukraine, received the first such systems from France after the meeting. At the end of November, the fourth unit arrived. France does support Ukraine, and lightning-fast provides weapons to protect Ukrainians from the Russian army.
"This is a visible result of the friendship between presidents Volodymyr Zelenskyy and Emmanuel Macron," added the defence minister on Twitter.
In addition to military assistance, the president of France also approved an additional €100 million to support the state budget's general fund. All received funds will be directed to the continuation of the functioning of the state, payment of pensions, assistance, etc.