Germany Agrees to Transfer $50 Billion from Russia’s Frozen Assets to Ukraine: Timeline for Funds Release

by Roman Cheplyk
Tuesday, May 21, 2024
Germany Agrees to Transfer $50 Billion from Russia’s Frozen Assets to Ukraine: Timeline for Funds Release

Germany has expressed its support for the U.S. plan to transfer $50 billion from the revenues generated by frozen Russian assets to aid Ukraine

This significant financial move aims to bolster Ukraine amidst its ongoing conflict with Russia.

Timeline for Fund Transfer

Expected Decision and Implementation:

  • Decision Timeline: German officials do not anticipate a final decision by Western nations on the transfer of proceeds from Russia's frozen assets before the G7 leaders' meeting scheduled for June 13-15, 2024.
  • Implementation Timeline: Any execution of this plan is not expected before 2025, according to sources cited by Bloomberg.

Background and Current Status

Frozen Assets Overview:

  • In response to Russia's invasion of Ukraine, G7 countries froze approximately $280 billion in assets belonging to the Russian central bank. A significant portion of these assets is held in the Belgian depository Euroclear.

U.S. Proposal:

  • The U.S. has been advocating for using these frozen assets to support Ukraine. The proposal includes providing Ukraine with financial assistance from the interest generated by these assets, without confiscating the principal amount.

Political Context:

  • The upcoming U.S. presidential elections in fall 2024 have brought differing views on the extent of aid to Ukraine. Former President Donald Trump initially opposed the idea but later suggested using Russian assets as a loan for Ukraine.

European Skepticism:

  • Some European nations, including Germany and France, have shown skepticism toward the U.S. proposal, citing potential risks to financial markets and concerns over international law violations.

Germany’s Position:

  • Germany is in favor of transferring the interest from the income generated by the frozen Russian assets to Ukraine. However, it does not support confiscating the principal amount.

G7 Discussions:

  • The G7 is currently considering an advance transfer of €5 billion to Ukraine, representing the projected income from the frozen Russian assets over the coming years.

Financial Details

  • Total Potential Aid: The aid package could ultimately amount to as much as $50 billion, depending on the terms and duration of the asset immobilization.
  • Frozen Assets in Germany: Germany itself holds €3.95 billion of frozen Russian assets.


While the plan to transfer $50 billion from the revenues of Russia's frozen assets to Ukraine has gained significant support, especially from Germany, the final decision and implementation are anticipated to take time. Discussions are ongoing, and a more concrete timeline and details are expected to emerge following the G7 leaders' meeting in mid-2024, with implementation likely not before 2025.

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