During the program in Ukraine, the financial literacy of Ukrainians increased by 12.3 points. For comparison, in 2018, this figure was 11.6.
According to the NBU press release, all indicators showed progress:
- financial knowledge;
- financial behavior;
- attitude to financial matters.
The maximum indicator is 21 points, and today Ukraine has reached 58% of the maximum.
Ukrainians aged 25-34 showed the highest level of financial literacy — 12.7.
- 30-59 years old — 12.6;
- 18-19 years old — 10.1;
- population over 60 — 11.6.
Men (12.3) and women (12.2) showed equal financial literacy.
There is a direct correlation between financial awareness and educational attainment. The cumulative result of people with specialized secondary education is 11.9 points, and for those with higher education — 13.3.
Since 2018, city dwellers have significantly detached themselves from rural dwellers in terms of financial literacy. If 3 years ago the gap was insignificant, then in 2021, the townspeople scored 12.6 points and the representatives of the village — 11.8.
And a few more statistics:
- The study found that Ukrainians are more focused on short-term plans and spending rather than saving money;
- The population with the lowest incomes relies more on a pension from the state. In contrast, those with higher incomes rely more on savings, prolongation of labor activity even after the onset of retirement age, or the use of other sources of funding;
- 79% of Ukrainians believe that children should be taught how to manage their money at school.