Kherson Region Solves Seeding Problem

by Olha Povaliaieva
Tuesday, March 15, 2022
Kherson Region Solves Seeding Problem

Russian aggression prevents the start of sowing to provide food to citizens of Ukraine and export partner country

Russian military tanks are seizing cities and fields. Bombs are being dropped at any location. This calls into question the nutrition of the Ukrainians next year. The occupiers also prevent the creation of all conditions for the cultivation of grain for export.

But the government of Ukraine calls for the planting company to be carried out as possible. For example, in the Kherson region, farmers plan to sow fields despite attacks by the Russian Federation. This was stated by the head of the Kherson regional council Oleksandr Samoilenko. But he also mentioned the main problems.

"We feel a lack of fuel. The land is prepared, but we need herbicides. The sowing campaign will try to hold," said the Oleksandr Samoilenko.

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