Kyiv Protected by Powerful Air Defenses

by Olha Povaliaieva
Wednesday, June 23, 2022
Kyiv Protected by Powerful Air Defenses

The capital of Ukraine is strategically desirable for Putin, so the threat of a second attack or rocket shelling on Kyiv cannot be ruled out

The commander of the grouping of forces and means of defense of the city of Kyiv, lieutenant-general Olexandr Pavlyuk, reported on the situation around Kyiv and the likely tactical encroachments of the army of the aggressor country. It is quite possible that Russia will repeat the attempt to capture Kyiv. Without the opportunity to go through the counter-offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the east, the Russian army can use rocket attacks against Kyiv.

"Today, the security of Kyiv, the Kyiv region, the whole of Ukraine is ensured along the line of confrontation in the Kharkiv region, Luhansk region, Donetsk region, Kherson region. For the enemy, Kyiv remains and remains the main goal of his predatory ambitions. He will never give up on this. We should constantly remember this and not exclude the possibility of attempts to form new strike groups in the Kyiv and Chernihiv directions through measures of "total mobilization" of reservists, attracting stocks of Soviet-era equipment and weapons, which are still sufficient at storage bases. Despite the significant losses of the Russian army in manpower, weapons, and military technology, the aggressor still has huge human and technical resources.

During a missile attack on the capital, the enemy will focus on critical infrastructure, public administration, and, of course, civilian infrastructure. As, for example, is now happening in Kharkiv.

Despite the powerful protection over the sky of Kyiv, Olexandr Pavlyuk urged to remain vigilant and not ignore the air sirens.

"However, a fairly effective and layered air defense system has been created around Kyiv, which, on the whole, is capable of protecting the city from air attack weapons and is constantly being improved. However, the possibility of breaking through the air defense zone in the event of a massive missile strike still exists," Olexandr Pavlyuk.

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