NATO Secretary General Invites President Zelensky to Washington Summit

by Roman Cheplyk
Tuesday, April 30, 2024
NATO Secretary General Invites President Zelensky to Washington Summit

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg officially invited Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to attend the NATO summit in Washington

During a press conference in Kyiv, Stoltenberg expressed his anticipation for Zelensky's participation but tempered expectations regarding Ukraine's immediate membership in the alliance.

Stoltenberg affirmed that Ukraine is destined to join NATO, stating, "Ukraine's place is in NATO, and one day it will become its member." However, he clarified that it is unlikely Ukraine will receive an invitation to join the organization at the upcoming summit. "To make this decision, we need the consent of all allies, we need a consensus, not just a majority," Stoltenberg explained, indicating that consensus among all 32 member states might not be achieved by the July summit.

The NATO Secretary General highlighted ongoing efforts to align Ukraine more closely with NATO standards, which are crucial for ensuring that Ukraine could immediately become a member once political conditions allow. "We are working to bring Ukraine even closer to membership and want the day when Ukraine will join us as a full member to come as soon as possible," he added.

This invitation marks a significant moment in Ukraine's long-term goal of joining NATO, reflecting ongoing international support amidst the geopolitical challenges it faces.

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