Population Census of Ukraine Every Decade 

by Olha Povaliaieva
Wednesday, July 14, 2022
Population Census of Ukraine Every Decade 

Parliament of Ukraine adopted a bill on the census of the population of the state every 10 years

The last population census in Ukraine took place in 2001. That is, 21 years ago. During this time, many demographic changes have taken place in the country: intellectual/labor migration, the replacement of the older generation of Ukrainians by 2 new ones, and, of course, the war. If in 2001 the census showed 48.2 million Ukrainians, then as of 2022 it is already 44.13. Since the census was 21 years ago, the data is taken from the registry offices and migration services of Ukraine.

The bill on state statistical activity provides for a census process at least once every 10 years, and also establishes new rules for the protection of personal data. The procedure will correspond to the time: if earlier it was necessary to physically come and apply at the place of registration, now the census will be held online using national electronic information resources.

"The adoption of this bill will help the state to receive objective statistical information on the socio-demographic state of the country's population. This way we will be able to better assess the state reforms carried out in the past, predict the socio-economic development of the country and make adjustments in the areas of state policy where necessary," Taras Melnychyk, member of the cabinet of ministers of Ukraine.

The bill also protects the rights of citizens to data confidentiality and respect for privacy. The organizers of the census are obliged to keep the private and family life of the respondents secret. The same employees who disseminated the information of the respondent will be subject to civil, administrative or criminal liability.

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