Preparation of Food Transformation Pathways for Ukraine

by Olha Povaliaieva
Monday, February 14, 2022
Preparation of Food Transformation Pathways for Ukraine

Ministers of Ukraine will draw up a plan for Ukraine’s industrial modification

In September 2021, the president of Ukraine participated in the United Nations Summit. The meeting concerned the food systems. And it was then Zelenskyy said that Ukraine has a great potential to increase its role in the formation of a sustainable food supply. Now the president has decided to open the potential, not only to tell about it. That is why the government has two months to develop and adopt a plan of measures for the modification of nutrition in Ukraine for the period up to 2030.

In particular, the plan should envisage national priorities for this adaptation in terms of:

  • Health;
  • Eco-friendly production;
  • Sustainability of market instability;
  • Availability of nutrition products for all groups of the population.

It should be noted that young people, in particular, need a transformation in healthy nutrition. The reform of the school feeding system is already underway. There is still a need to work with other areas of transportation.

The food system includes all the participants of the food production chain — from the primary producer to the sale of products to consumers.

It should be noted that all changes should aim to achieve ecological neutrality of" rel="dofollow">agricultural values, which Ukraine wants to accomplish before 2050.

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