Presentation of the Robot Orderly in Ukraine

by Olha Povaliaieva
Tuesday, February 22, 2022
Presentation of the Robot Orderly in Ukraine

A robot is installed in the Dnipro to assist doctors in their work

Veronyka Podlesova is the author of the project. Its development is intended to facilitate the work of medical staff during a pandemic. Robot-medic is a model designed for an educational project to popularize scientific specialties related to engineering, technology, and mathematics among girls STEM is FEM. Also as part of the competition, other girls designed about 30 models of robotic assistants for other industries.

The mechanical robot that took first place in STEM is FEM. The robot has to make rounds, deliver medicine and food. All his actions can be controlled by a person remotely, which is very relevant during a coronavirus pandemic. The development is now in electronic form. One model was designed for the competition.

Now Veronyka Podlesova studies robotics abroad. Later she plans to return to Ukraine and develop a startup. This is an interesting observation — even when away from Ukraine, developers want to do everything to improve industries at home.

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