President Zelenskyy Signs Law on Business Deregulation Amid Martial Law

by Roman Cheplyk
Monday, September 2, 2024
President Zelenskyy Signs Law on Business Deregulation Amid Martial Law

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has signed a new law aimed at simplifying the conditions for conducting economic activities in Ukraine during the state of war or emergency

The law, which was passed by the Verkhovna Rada on July 17, 2024, introduces several key provisions designed to ease the regulatory burden on businesses during this challenging period.

Key Provisions of the Law:

  1. Right to Conduct Economic Activity:

    • Business entities are granted the right to conduct certain types of economic activities during martial law by submitting a declaration to relevant authorities (licensing, permitting bodies, or TsNAPs) without the need to obtain the usual permits and licenses required by law.
    • These declarations will be valid throughout the period of martial law and until the end of the calendar year following the suspension or abolition of martial law, with a minimum validity of three months from the date of termination.
  2. Extension of Existing Licenses:

    • Licenses that have already been issued will automatically have their validity extended until the end of martial law, with a minimum extension of three months from the date martial law is terminated or lifted.
  3. Suspension of Planned Inspections:

    • Planned inspections by licensing bodies concerning compliance with legislative requirements in the field of licensing are suspended for the duration of martial law.
  4. Cabinet of Ministers' Role:

    • The Cabinet of Ministers will be responsible for determining the procedure for submitting the declaration, specifying the required information, and identifying the types of economic activities that cannot be carried out based on such a declaration.

This law represents a significant step towards supporting businesses in Ukraine by reducing bureaucratic hurdles and allowing for more flexible operations during the ongoing state of war. The government aims to provide the necessary conditions for businesses to continue operating and contributing to the economy, despite the challenges posed by the conflict.

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