Russia Completed Mining of Zaporizhzhia NPP

by Meifan Honcharuk
Sunday, June 26, 2023
Russia Completed Mining of Zaporizhzhia NPP

The operation to prepare for a nuclear terrorist attack at the largest nuclear power plant in Europe has been completed

Kyrylo Budanov, the head of the Main intelligence department of Ukraine, reported that Russia has completed the process of mining 4 out of 6 power units of the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant. The probability of a nuclear terrorist attack is higher than ever. After the explosion of power units, nuclear reactors will melt within 10 hours-14 days.

This is the 1st method of blowing up the station and creating an atomic tragedy. The 2nd is that the Russians can cause a tragedy by bringing the voltage of the power supply lines at the Zaporizhzhya NPP to the maximum. 3rd, the Russians mined the station's cooling pond.

"The plan of the terrorist attack at the ZNPP has been fully developed and approved. They can use technical means to accelerate the collapse," Kyrylo Budanov.

Before Russia blew up the Kakhovka hydroelectric power station, Ukraine never once stated that the occupiers had mined the dam and would blow it up in order to prevent the Ukrainians from advancing to the south. And so it happened.

Ukrainian intelligence believes nothing stops Russia from blowing up the nuclear power plant. And that's not the end. The occupiers also overlaid with explosives the spillway infrastructure that will connect the cooling pond of the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant (48 million m³) and the Kakhovka reservoir (actually, the desert that remained from the reservoir of 18 billion m³). Without a cooling pond, irradiated nuclear fuel in the ZNPP reactors and pools will explode.

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